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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Building Your First Web Site

Having your own domain name and your own web site can do alot for your business. It gives you a definite web presence andmakes your business more credible.Ok, you know all that, but how do you go about the process ofbuilding one? Where do you start?First off, you are going to have to accept a couple of facts. Unlessyou want to pay someone else to build your site for you, you aregoing to have to deal with HTML. Other things you may want todo on your site may require you to deal with Java Script's and CGIscripts as well.Now, I may make a few people mad here, but avoid the free websites that require you to use their own menu driven site builder and do not allow you access to the actual HTML code of your site.These don't allow you to add java or cgi scripts, force you intousing their methods of taking orders from your site, and restrictyour site set up. You have to use their themes for color anddesign, you won't learn HTML ever, and you will never really beindependent.Now that I've said that, consider your own goals, time, andinvestment. The free sites can be helpful, but you will be limited.However, for many of us, free is the only option to begin with.HTML is essential, though. Depending on your goals, time, andmoney, you do have a couple of options. There are user friendlyprograms like Microsoft's Front Page that don't require you tolook at actual HTML code for the most part. However, it's goingto cost you more than other HTML editors will. The cheapest I'veseen it go for is $129.Other editors like the Coffee Cup HTML Editor work in theHTML code, but they do most all of the coding for you. This is agreat program that comes with a 30 day free trial. Then costs $49to register and keep. http://www.coffeecup.comThere are a multitude of other HTML editors available, includingsome free ones. Search for them at: andhttp://www.zdnet.comNone that I've found are as easy to work with as Front Page andthe Coffee Cup editor for those starting out, nor do they have asmany options. However, there are many more than I have spenttime looking over.Another factor to consider is your web hosting. Some come withan HTML editor on the site for you to use. That will depend onwho you choose to host with, of course, but most of these are justbasic editors that require you to know how to work with thecode. Some do have menu driven site builders you can use thatdo the coding for you, but again those are basic and you will belimited in what you can do.As with most things, you get what you pay for. Consider yourtime, what you have to invest, and what your goals are. If youwant to do anything beyond just basic text and pictures, you'll bebetter off to buy a good HTML editor.Whatever you do, if you plan on making a good web site, youneed to learn at least some HTML. Here are a couple of sites thatoffer tutorials to get you started. Scroll down to the 'For Those JustStarting' Section.One other great way to learn is by making a very simple page in anhtml editor and then looking through the code. Look at aparticular section of your page, then examine how the code makesthat section. What <> tags do what? makes boldlettering,
makes a paragraph, makes a break inthe text without starting a new paragraph. Often, just by knowingwhat a few tags do and then looking at what else is there will teachyou about how the code works.The better editors like Front Page do pretty much everything foryou. However, knowing at least a little about the code can helpyou identify problems.Often, items you'll want to add to your site will be available foryou by copying and pasting the actual HTML code onto your site.Here's a tip. If you do that, and it doesn't work, it's probablybecause the code didn't copy over right. At least with Front Page,you have to copy the code from it's source, paste it into a texteditor like Notepad, and then recopy it before the HTML willtransfer over correctly.Here is probably the best suggestion I can give youfor building your first web site, and it's something I've learned thehard way. Stay simple. It's better to have a simple site thateverything works on than to try to do too much beyond yourabilities and end up with problems.Start simple, learn more, and work your way up. Get an HTMLeditor and work in it BEFORE you purchase web hosting. There'sno point in paying for a spot on the web before you have thecapability to fill it.Consider what you want out of your web site and search for whatwill help you meet those goals. Don't be afraid of HTML. I'ddare say 99.9% of the web sites you see out there were made bypeople that don't know anymore about it than the next guy does.They have just practiced with their HTML editors and kept at ituntil they got the results they wanted.Learn first, start simple, then expand. You can have your ownweb site, just take it one step at a time.

Joe Bingham, Editor of the NetPlay NewslettersSubscribe to 1 of 3 Quality NetPlay Ezines, See which one fits you at:http://www.netplaynewsletters.comPublish a Pre-Written Ezine As YOUR Own -- Easy, Great Benefits


At 2:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 7:42 PM, Blogger Anil said...

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